Thursday 24 July 2014

 Summer Holidays!

We hope you are enjoying your summer holiday, whether you are at home or have already been away!  Mrs Shaw and myself are looking forward to reading your postcards and finding out what you have been up to already!  Mrs Shaw is holidaying with her family in Norfolk while I am about to visit Copenhagen (capital of Denmark).
Don't forget to complete your homework tasks (thanks to those who have already posted onto the class blog!)


  1. Hi mrs lampkin and mrs shaw writing this as part of my home work. Having a great time been to salou then had a week at my nannies in Went swimming and beach most days then got to see my cousins 😃 now helping my mum and dad as it's there busiest time with the fairs and markets. Hope you both are having fun. See you all soon. From Jonathan day 😄

  2. Great to hear you are making the most of the holidays Jonathan!
    Enjoy the rest of your time off! Looking forward to seeing you on 28th August!
    Mrs Lampkin

  3. Hi, I hope you've had a good summer. On the first day of the summer holidays we went to France and when we got there we went swimming and we went to animation and we played in the park and we made some new friends. we went for 10 days which is a bit to boring for me. Since coming back from France we went to Devon and we had lots of days out with my granny Annie and we went to the beach twice. Today we went on the sky ride all round Leicester. Lily Bowie
